Bizarre Autumn

Fall has officially arrived. The signs are everywhere. The stores are overflowing with squash, children wear brand new jackets and sweaters, women wander the park in cardigans and wool pants, and the leaves begin wiggling into shades of red, orange, yellow, and brown.

Reflection of memorial in 5.18 park

On my daily walks through the park I enjoy the smells of autumn under a continually clearing sky intermittently cloudy and full of sun. On these walks, I find myself scratching my head . . . "How can they wear sweaters and knit caps when it's 79 degrees outside?!" It is officially autumn by any calendar's standards, but by my estimates, it isn't yet cold. While temperatures at night are dipping into the upper 60's, the days are still bright and warmer-than-cardigan-weather. As I scratch my head, the Koreans likewise scratch their heads about me. "How can she wear a t-shirt in this balmy weather?"

You say "po-tay-toe", i say "po-tah-toe."
You say "it's cold out", I say "nope."


Anonymous said…

It's been some time since I've commented on a blog. Lucky you - Autumn has arrived. It's October 3 here and it was 90 degrees today. I can't wait for the 40 degree nights with the windows open and a down comforter. I meant to ask in my e-mail - Did you get the card I sent with John Kaas' article? Have a great autumn. Love, Mom M.

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