$5 t-shirts

This one goes out to ross. . . 

Remember when we started resale shopping together? You love the t-shirts with strange sayings and pictures. Well, at E*mart, they have sales bins with $5 t-shirts that are artfully fun. The artwork is decent, but the comical part is the poorly translated and inappropriate English that makes up a lot of these shirts. It isn’t at all uncommon to see children (ages 6-13) sporting shirts that are emblazoned with the F-bomb, “shit”, “damn”, “porn”, and terrible grammar (“Is there any something to play?”). For all these shirts would seemingly have going against them, they are still pretty sweet.

Every trip to E*mart is an investigation into weekly shipments in an attempt to locate a gem. Thus far, 2 shirts have made the cut. They lack poor grammar, but have cool graphics. The point being (finally), I have found Ross’ t-shirt heaven, and am on the lookout for his ideal shirt. Until the shirt is found, check out the pics of my finds.

The quest for the perfect $5 t-shirt is on . . .


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