International Intern

Last night walking home from KumDo class Alex and I were stopped by a Nepalese man.  The three of us stood clustered in the middle of the street in an unusual moment of levity, a moment of loose conversation between strangers.  How odd to be stopping in the middle of our neighborhood as though we were stopping on Lincoln Avenue in Chicago!

Anyway, it turns out that Ram (full name: Ram Prasad Sharma) is a human rights' lawyer serving as an intern in Gwangju. The three of us talked for fifteen minutes about a wide range of subjects from Nepal's government and civil war, intolerance between religions, and general observations about living in a foreign country.  We listened as he spoke about his daughter and wife back in Nepal, and how hard it is to be away. He also shared his difficulty in having English as a second language in a town where no one spoke English.  Like us, Ram came with the idea that people had a basic knowledge of the English language, and learned quickly that very few actually do.

Ram offered each of us his business card before continuing to the park for a beer.  I realized in that moment that no matter how frustrating the language barrier has been for us, that Alex and I always have each other.  If I ever make mention of difficulties due to language again . . . crush me.


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