Well, it’s been a crazy few days. For starters, I left my job earlier than planned. The owners were bringing in new co-management, and taking a new direction that I wasn't on board with, so I gracefully bowed out as they began on their new path. The devastating side effect of leaving a job I loved is my sudden realization of how much I have to do before joining Alex in Korea. And then my plan ticket came. It’s a weird sensation to look at this ticket if only for the reason that it’s one-way. I stared at the destination, but was only able to envision places I was familiar with traveling to. I thought, if I can see a tree, or a street, or a house in this faraway place, it will take the edge off. But I've never left North America, so needless to say, my imagination conjured only tidbits from books, and stories from my faraway husband. It was about that moment I became okay with it all. I don'...